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Installation of lodge officers for the year 2021
This is the year after Covid-19 hit. All the brothers are masked for everyone's protection. The Installing Master requested the permission of all present to unmask for the ceremony and maintained a proper social distance from all during the ceremony. The brothers filed in one at a time to an empty lodge room containing only the masked photographer to get their individual portraits.
IMG_5418 | 2021DanMauer | 2021DougWettlaufer |
2021ErickFriel | 2019_DickYoakum | 2019_RickStofer |
2021PerrySiplon | 2021TomFletcher | 2021JoshReady |
2021JacobDavisson | 2021JosephMelton | CallanMartin02 |
20201205_121721 | 20201205_121733 | 20201205_121705 |
20201205_121715 | 20201205_121657 | 20201205_123144 |
20201205_123455 | 20201205_123457 | 20201205_123139 |
20201205_122958 | 20201205_122826 | 20201205_122826 (1) |
20201205_122625 | 20201205_122706 | 20201205_122538 |
20201205_122515 |
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